What does it take to do public relations in the digital age? according to socialmediatoday.com there are certain qualities that one has to follow in order to be a good practitioner, due to that, here are my top five list of qualities a public relations practitioner must have to successfully make the transition from traditional public relations and to new public relations:
If you're the type of practitioner who is satisfied with what has been tried and tested, and who isn't naturally inclined to check new ways of thinking about and doing public relations, you may want to step aside and let someone run your client's social media campaign, social media isn't about tools. it isn't twitter or Facebook, but the popularity of twitter an Facebook have to say about how people want to communicate, share and learn.its about a new mentality and new expectations.
The advent of social media represents a new era for public relations and the way in which it is practised. this should excite you, and your significant other and friends should either find your enthusiasm contagious or start or to complain that you're sounding like a broken record. if you are not passionate about how you spend a significant part of your day, not only is social media likely not for you, you may want to start to start thinking about a new career.
Taking social media plunge doesn't mean staying in the wading pool and splashing a bit of water around. it means diving in the deep end. it means getting wet, very wet. it means knowing what a blog is, by blogging. what a podcast is, by pod casting. what an online community is, by becoming part of one. it does not have to be a pr community.
In the world of social media , there is a code to live by.transgress this code by putting up a fake blog, for example, and not only will your client suffer the wreath of the public, once the subterfuge is uncovered, your own reputation will take a hit. no one likes fake, its lame. be real, be confident in who you are.
Share your discoveries and learning with your peers. do someone, even your competitor a favour. you've made a mistake? humility will have you admit it. generosity will have you share it with others so that they can avoid the same pitfall. do it in the interest of the industry standards.
Here are my top five qualities that every public relations practitioner must have, lets hear what you can add to the mix.