Thursday, 5 April 2012

if you follow your passion first, the money will follow.

varsity and college students are not following career paths that reflect their passions, or even their interests. students are preparing for careers that will be lucrative or reliable. this is a problem not only for the workforce, but for students themselves. students need to study subjects that interest them. following their dreams will make their lives more enjoyable and increase their chances of succeeding in life. there are three major questions that students need to ask themselves, firstly; what is your true passion? what do love doing so much that you would do for free? , secondly; how much passion do you have for your current career path? are you studying something that will allow you to do what you love to do?, and thirdly; how can you better prepare yourself for a career that follows your passion? ask some questions, once you determine what you want to do, determine how you are going to do it. ask people doing what you want to do how they got to where they are. answer these questions and seriously evaluate why you are following the path you are on, is it because you truly love public relations or marketing communications or is it bacause your high school guidance counselor told you that marketing would provide you with a steady paycheck? most importantly do what you love , be happy. dont ever do something because you think its the responsible choice if you absolutely hate it. you will regret it for the rest of your unhappy life.WWW.GOOGLE.COM/THE DAILY ATHENAUM...

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